Tuesday 20 January 2009

To Port Lavaca for Groceries and What Not

Today wasn't quite as warm as yesterday. I saw 70F on the truck thermometer in town but 66F out here at the RV park. It was also a bit windy but the sun was bright!

This morning I heard a tractor outside the RV so I ran to get my camera and went to the bedroom as I knew that Delmer AKA Grandpa had told Ellie and Jim that he was going to move the deck over a bit. By the time I got there the deck had been moved and Grandpa was toodling away on his tractor. The palm tree is still there though. That's supposed to be removed.

The deck has been moved

And there goes Delmar on his tractor

I had my usual walk and went down to the pier to do my exercises for a change. After breakfast, I had a shower and went into Port Lavaca. I got my hair cut at Walmart. She didn't do a great job but it will do. I picked up groceries at Walmart and HEB and stopped at Dollar General for a few things.

Then I went to the post office to get some stamps. I had just gotten in line when a lady ran in and asked who owned a maroon truck. I indicated it was probably me and she said that someone had rear ended it. Oh great! I asked her if the person was still there and she said she thought he was so I took off outside, no person waiting to give me his information. I could only find a small dent in the bumper probably from a trailer hitch. The lady who saw it said it was an older man in a gold pickup truck with a ladder but by that time he was long gone. I'm just glad that it wasn't badly damaged. That would put a damper on our plans! I talked to a couple of other people in the parking lot but no one saw anything because of the bright sun.

From there I came home, Gordon unloaded groceries and I put them away, then sat outside for a bit to read but the wind was getting kind of cool so came in to do some interneting.

That's it for today!


  1. I'm so glad it wasn't a bad hit. He probably saw it wasn't worth dealing with cops and insurance so took off.

  2. That is so bad when people do those kind of things. I am glad that it was not real bad. Maybe you will spot him at the same store sometime??

    Joe and Sherri


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