Today we drove to San Luis, AZ which is a small town of about 20,000 people and about 20 miles south of Yuma on the Arizona/Mexico border. It wasn't the interesting small town I had hoped so we just drove through it to the border and returned to Yuma.
Then we drove north on SR95 and came upon the US Army Yuma Proving Ground which is a general-purpose desert environmental test facility. YPG is located 26 miles north of Yuma, Arizona on U.S. Hwy 95. This installation covers nearly 1,400 square miles and offers climate and terrain similar to major desert areas worldwide. YPG is primarily involved in developmental and operational test of artillery weapons and ammunition, aircraft armament systems, mobility equipment, and air delivery systems.
Not seeing much to photograph, we returned to the RV where I sat outside and read for a while. While I was outside the lady who recommended this park to me on one of the campground discussion forums dropped by and introduced herself. It's always nice to meet people in person that you have 'talked' to on line.
After that, I came in and made some potato salad for dinner, read some more, had a nap and here I am watching Law & Order.
The photo for today is Bib enjoying his trip to San Luis with the windows open and his ears blowing in the breeze. It was another nice sunny day about 75F.