The wind was cold this morning but it didn't stop me! Out I went. Actually it's been much colder when I've gone out so today wasn't that bad.
I got a call this morning from my cousin who sold his house this summer and he and his wife left for Arizona with their motorhome. They also own a house in Sun City, AZ. He wanted to hear the details on my Immigration problem as they had had a problem crossing the border as well but they did get through after about an hour of talking to an Immigration Supervisor. We had a nice chat.
I read most of the day. I'm now reading a Harlen Coben book called 'Back Spin'. I really like his books.
The tow truck came this morning and took the truck to the Dodge dealer that replaced the water pump. Nancy drove Gordon over so he could drop off the keys, then brought him home again. She has offered to drop him off at the dealer in the morning as well but it will be early!
This afternoon Gordon wanted to go for a walk and see some of the paths I have discovered so we had a nice 45 minute walk. I really should do this twice a day.
The path between the houses. This is also called Dog Bone Park.

Bridge over the Upper Carp River

The Upper Carp River flows through the residential areas of Kanata. It's not a very big river!