There’s a new RV/camping site on line now called RVThereYet (cute name). It’s got lots of interesting links as well as RVers blogs, info on finding campgrounds, campground ratings and something called CampFree (you have to have a Paypal account to take advantage of this). Here’s the link:
I really didn’t want to get up this morning. I put an extra quilt on the bed last night as my feet have been cold when I wake up but this morning I was warm but I knew I’d have a monster headache if I didn’t get up. It was 16C (60F) and cloudy with quite a high wind coming from the north so it wasn’t all that warm! The radio said there was a 70% chance of rain this morning in Ottawa. We don’t seem to get all the weather that Ottawa gets. Looking at the radar the weather seems to come more from the north down the valley towards Ottawa and we’re west of the city. Works for me!
Around dinner time last night we had more heavy rains so much so that both the internet and TV went out for a short time. We had a few rumblings of thunder and then sunshine so Gordon went out to see if there would be a rainbow. He said there was a partial one and he took some photos but I haven’t seen any of them on pbase yet.
Late this morning I sat outside with my blanket as it was quite cool and windy but came in at lunch time and transferred myself and my book to the couch.
Around 3:30 p.m. I realized tomorrow is our potluck here at the campground and I needed some mozzarella cheese so off to the grocery store. I went into Carleton Place the back way through Appleton and took some photos in Appleton.
Photos of the Mississippi taken from Appleton

I tried to sit outside again when I got home but it can't decide whether it wants to rain or the sun wants to shine so I gave in and came in to do my Nightly News.