This morning started out cloudy but at least it wasn't raining so away I went on my much needed walk. It was about 54F (12C).
After breakfast, I noticed that there was no water so Gordon went to the office and apparently there was a break in a water main so we went up to the campground showers. By then the sun had come out and we wound up at 77F (25C).
I packed a lunch and just before noon we set out to do some sightseeing. It had turned into a beautiful day. First we had to get some fuel so we filled up at Winnie, TX for 2.09.9 then headed for High Island. There is still a lot of damage from Ike on High Island as well as the whole area here.
We went to the Smith Oaks Bird Sanctuary and walked the trails ending up at a roseate spoonbill rookery. I have never seen so many spoonbills in one place! It was amazing! While we were taking photos of them I looked down on the bank and there were several alligators and further on many huge turtles.
Monarch on lantana

The path along the rookery

Part of the rookery

The gators

This little green lizard was crawling around the tree


The Beach at High Island

We watched the spoonbills and the ibis flopping around in the water like they were taking baths.

Then we set Miss Pinky for Sabine Pass. Miss Pinky has not been working properly so last night I found a download communicator program when I tried to register her online. I got that put on Miss Pinky and Gordon also did a soft reset and she was doing much better today.
We stopped along the road so I could take a photo of the Indian paintbrush wildflowers

Not much to look at at Sabine Pass except this oil rig which is either being built or is under repair from Hurricane Ike.

From there we tried to find downtown Port Arthur which is the main town/city in that area but we didn't succeed there so set Miss Pinky for downtown Beaumont and headed there. There isn't a lot to downtown Beaumont either.
As we were driving back to the RV park on I-10 I saw a sign for Cracker Barrel. It's been ages since we've been there. First we went home as Gordon wanted to do his photo of the day. I also wanted to find out if the water was back on and thankfully it was.
So we decided to go to Cracker Barrel. It's only a couple of miles away and it's been along time since we've been there. So away we went and we both had breakfast for dinner! It was a sort of treat to ourselves since we don't go out to eat very much.