Wednesday 2 July 2008

Good News!

We had an early start this morning so I was up before 7 a.m. to get ready for Gordon's doctor's appointment in the west end of the city for 8:30 a.m. So for the second day in a row I had to forgo my morning walk. We got there in lots of time as the traffic wasn't too bad. I guess lots of people took the week off surrounding Canada Day.

The news was good. Gordon does not have multiple myeloma (this is the disease that was suggested by another RVer as Gordon's symptoms were similar to ones her husband had). Our doctor thinks it is possible that the problem he is feeling on his right side and under his right arm might be from a misalignment in his back and she recommended that he go to a chiropractor.

After the doctor we had some other errands to run and then we stopped at the Fletcher Wildlife Gardens to take some photos. The photos below are from there.

This is the first thing I saw, a cute little chipmunk nibbling on something.

We also saw this little turtle. There are two frogs also one on a rock on each side of the turtle.

A bug on a black-eyed susan

A tree swallow

After that we came home and since it was such a beautiful day, I sat outside and read for a while and had my lunch outside again. It seems that my chances to do this lately have been few and far between.

This afternoon, Gordon went to the chiropractor and we filled up with fuel again at 1.39/litre - ouch! We have paid more per litre than this since we've been back in Ottawa.

We saw this cute slogan on the back of a Land Rover that was ahead of us at a stoplight!

Other than that, I had a brief chat with Deb (Debken) from the chatroom on Yahoo Messenger. Deb's blog can be found by clicking here.

We hit about 28C (83F) today under sunny skies but with quite a good wind. I think it's blowing in a storm for tomorrow but at least we've had two days of nice weather!


  1. Great news about Gordon!!!

  2. I do hope that the chiropractor can sort Gordon out, he has had a lot to contend with this year, and that directly affects you, too.
    I wish I were there, 82 deg. would be nice in the daytime. Happy Trails, Penny, TX


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