This morning was the usual morning with walks, TV, internet.
I had an appointment at the chiropractor this afternoon so we left shortly after noon and Gordon decided he needed an adjustment too so we both went in and got cracked up. Then I got Bib’s dog license and some photocopies to be sent to our US medical carrier for my hospital stay in Cincinnati.
Gordon wants another small flat panel monitor so we looked at nearly every store that would carry such an item in the west end of the city but didn’t purchase anything yet.
We got back around 3:00 p.m. and walked and fed the dog and then sat outside in my lawnchair and read for a while but it’s quite cool and breezy when you’re not in the sun so I went for another walk by myself trying to find something to take a photo of. Not much that’s photographic in the park especially with construction going on next door. I’m about to ram the pile driver up someone’s ……… Imagine what it will be like after a month here. No wonder they didn’t put their rates up this year!
When we got back we called Armand in Lindsay at 3i Communications that set us up with our internet satellite to discuss upgrading our modem from the 6000 to the 7000. Our monthly charge will go down enough to pay for satellite TV but it will be at a cost. It will be around $500 to upgrade the modem and buy the satellite arm for TV but we have to live in the style to which we had become accustomed at home and you only live once! Then we have to set up our own Star Choice and buy the receiver. I can see an expensive month coming at us again!
Tonight we’re just relaxing!
Today's photos show our RV and the construction going on behind us.
The Airstream in your photograph looks so small compared to the Titanium. It wasn't many years ago when the Airstream was the Rolls Royce of RV's. I think times have changed