Anyway, I did my morning walk and exercises, breakfast and thought about making the cornbread stuffing. I thought about it so much I got tired so lay down to read and had a nap. I woke up, thought about it again and went back to sleep.
Finally I got up and got to it and had it in the oven by about 2:30 p.m. I walked over to take the garbage to the dumpster and saw the great egret on one pole and 2 pelicans on two other poles. They sure are cute sitting there.

We had a bit of rain on and off during the day but nothing much. If it was snow it would probably hardly equate to a ground cover. I think 65F (18C) was our high for the day. The forecast for tomorrow is mild and cloudy again with a possibility of passing showers. I might be able to wear my sandals to Christmas Dinner. LOL!
Merry Christmas from MsTioga, Little Mavicito, Boid, George and everyone else on The TiogaRV Team!