This cardinal was hanging around as I was reading. If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll know that we've decided my Mom has come back to earth in the form of a cardinal. I saw one the day before Christmas and then today so she's watching over me down here in Texas.

Gordon came out just before noon and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a drive so after we had lunch we set out for Goliad. It's supposed to be an interesting little town but the sun started to go away as we were heading toward Port Lavaca so we canned that idea and just went into Port Lavaca, filled up with diesel at 1.99.9, found a chiropractor so I wrote down his information in case we need it in the future. We also went into Walmart to look at camera cards as the nice FedEx man will be bringing me a new camera soon and Gordon a new lens. These are coming to us from Gordon's Paypal account and sales of his photos. I'll give you details of the camera when I receive it.
From there we took the scenic route home through Magnolia Beach and along Matagorda Bay, into Indianola and then home where I sat outside again and read, then came in for a nap.
The end of another beautiful day on the Texas coastal bend!
This roseate was foraging for food at the end of our pier this afternoon.

Dark sky and sun shining on the waters of Powderhorn Lake.

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