It rained a bit during the night last night and this morning was much warmer – 58F (14C) and partly sunny. I got up a little earlier as I had a hair appointment this morning. While I was getting up, Gordon was leaving to go and take photos as it’s the first bit of sun we’ve seen in three days.
I arrived early for my hair appointment and was taken right away. The salon is actually closed today but Melissa came in for me and a couple of other people so it was nice and quiet. I got my hair colored, cut and styled and this time after about 1 ½ years of procrastinating, I had her give me bangs! It will take a while to get used to having something on my forehead again!
I stopped at Bealls on my way home to see if they had any new sandals in but everything looked the same as it did last time I was in.
After having lunch at home, Gordon and I headed out to do some walking. We stopped at Connie Hagar’s Cottage Sanctuary and walked a bit around there but it had gotten warmer today and more humid so the mosquitoes were out in force. We also didn’t see any birds, the wrong time of day, I expect so instead we headed over to Rockport Beach and walked along the Bay side on the way to the fishing pier and on the beach side on the way back so I think we’ve gotten our exercise for today!
One of the trails at the Cottage Sanctuary
Birds all in a row at the beach
A snowy egret showing off his plumage at the fishing pier at the beach The temperature got to somewhere around 70F (21C) today but it was mostly cloudy with only a few sunny breaks. At one point when we were walking on the beach it looked like we might get some rain but we were home by the time we got any rain.