Saturday, 9 July 2011

Rocks, Osprey and Sunset

Here in Smiths Falls we have a dump but it's not for garbage, it's for plant material, leaves, grass, tree branches etc. Gordon trimmed the trees this week so we had some stuff to dump but we've also been picking up free rocks there to line the flower gardens so after tai chi that was our job today.

We picked two trunk loads of rocks and brought them back and just put them near the beds. After I had a nap I went out to arrange them and I think they make a big improvement.

The rocks are lining the flower bed under the front window

And on the corner flower bed

And behind the garage

I like them so well I think we'll need a few more to put around my weeping fig or whatever it is and maybe some larger ones to plant a little bed by the shed where Gordon removed the ramp. It's left a bare spot that calling out for a couple of big rocks and some little plants. All in good time.

Tonight we went out at sunset again and saw these osprey in their nest.

Then on to Kilmarnock to our sunset site where this loon was sitting.

And some sunset photos.

That's all folks!

The Last Couple of Weeks

Since my last blog, Dee and Jim have gone and in fact are now back in the U.S. The day they left I was scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy both of which turned out fine. Unfortunately we didn't get to Changing of the Guard. The first day was June 28th and it wasn't a very nice day and after that I was preparing for my procedures so that's one thing they will have to come back to see.

While Dee and Jim were here we also had Elaine and Rick (photo in my sidebar on the right) from New Brunswick stop by. We met briefly in the rain at the Walmart parking lot. They had just purchased a new diesel pusher north of Toronto and were on their way to see relatives at White Lake before returning home.

On Canada Day (July 1st) we went to the Canada Day festivities here in town and in the evening parked ourselves by the canal at the easement just across from us and watched the fireworks. Gordon took photos which can be seen here. I succeeded in getting lots of mosquito bites even though I used repellent. They bit me through the pants I had on but at least I killed a lot of them!

On Wednesday, Glenn and Sylvia came to visit (see photo on the sidebar to the right). Glenn was born in Fort Covington, NY which is about a two hour drive from us. They return to Fort Covington every year so they came to see us. We showed them around the area including Perth and Merrickville, had lunch at Chuckles Jack and all too soon they were headed back.

Since then we've gone out for a couple of sunsets which eluded us when Dee and Jim were here.

We've been trying to get some things done around the house and have gotten some painting and staining done.

Tai chi has been taking up a lot of our time it seems but we're enjoying it. We've graduated the beginner's class having completed all 108 tai chi moves and are now in the continuing class where we're learning form.

Yesterday we went to look at a small china cabinet for the dining room and although it looked like it would work from the ad on Kijiji when we saw it neither one of us thought that we'd like it. So, we kept our money!

That brings you up to date.