I was up at 7 a.m. to go to what I thought was a five home garage sale on Broadview Ave. We drove along Broadview-no garage sales so we came home and I looked it up. It was online and the sale was last week! So, I checked the local paper and found one at Port Elmsley. We headed in that direction and I found a storage unit for the basement for $50! We had to come home and get the truck to bring it home. I now have storage, finally!

Gordon then took the car for it's first oil change and when he came home he said he had seen another garage sale on his way home. So we went to that one but didn't find anything.
The other day when I made bread I put gluten free gluten in it. It came out with more elasticity than normal. I haven't decided if it's worth purchasing it as it's $6.79 for about a cup. I only used 1/4 cup of it for a loaf of bread. The jury's out on it right now.

We came home and Gordon got the towel racks put up in the bathroom and then I put the border up so the top edge of the wallpaper looks much cleaner. It also spruces up the wallpaper.
I slept later this morning since I got up so early (for me) yesterday. My lower back was also bothering me quite a bit yesterday so I took 1/2 muscle relaxant which contributed to my long snooze.
This morning I took my camera on my walk so have some photos to share.
Grounds of the public school close to us

After breakfast I started doing some arranging in the basement. Gordon helped me get my new cabinet in place so I could put my linens in it. I don't think that this basement is going to be in any kind of order anytime soon.
We had an absolutely gorgeous sunshiny early Fall day today with a high of (21C) 69F.
We had a guy come and look at the truck for the second time this afternoon. He really liked it but wanted us to give it away. We had a young guy here Friday who was very interested as well. He is working on the new arena here and left to go home for the weekend so hopefully we'll hear from him soon.
I painted my little garage sale shelf this afternoon. Instead of blue, it's now green. I hope it will look okay in the bathroom. That was why I purchased it.
Gordon spent the day preparing for his colonoscopy to take place tomorrow. YUK!
Up at 6:45 a.m. to get ready to head to Ottawa for Gordon's colonoscopy. We were there lots early but you never know about traffic at that time of day. Suffice it to say it wasn't a good time for Gordon but now it's overwith and all was well. We were home by shortly after noon.
I went out to get some things done while Gordon rested. When I got back it was time for a nap myself.
We had another nice sunny day today. I really prefer this time of year to the hot, humidity of the summer.
Tonight we watched the Queen in 3D. We picked up free 3D glasses at the post office. Apparently they have recently discovered that her coronation was filmed in 3D back in 1953 so that was what we got to watch. It was quite good considering it happened nearly 60 years ago.
To read Gordon's latest update, click here.