Wednesday 22 October 2008

Day 3 at Sherkston Shores

It was cooooold last night but we were toasty under our electric blanket. We had some more rain overnight but by the time I was up this morning it was mostly over. I did have a few drops when I was out for my walk. I walked a long way this morning and was gone about 35 minutes. I took a different route to get to the beach. Here are some photos that I took along the way.

This is the mall which has restaurants and a coffee shop, the laundry and store entrance are around the side on the right. It's closed at this time of year which is probably one of the reasons why the RV sites are so cheap!

Another platte of park models

The church (sorry about the power lines)

The ferns in the woods are turning yellow

Lake Erie

I walked on the beach a ways to get from one area of park models to another.

Sherkston Shores is a huge place and there's lots of different areas to walk which I like very much!

I spent most of the day trying to stay warm (or get warm) and watching TV which is something I rarely do during the day. If I tried to read my hands were freezing so I thought watching TV under my quilt was a good thing for today. It's supposed to warm up a bit the next couple of days, thanks goodness. Our high today was 4C (40F) and I hear they had snow flurries in Toronto!


  1. I hope you get out before the snow flies! Time for some warmer temps. Thanks for the great pictures!

  2. It is cold here this morning. I think it will warm up. I did not have any heat on last night so I was moving fast this morning to get dressed! I have one more winter here and then I can go where it is warm...



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