His latest blog refers to the writing of a blog and the definition. He quotes the definition from the Urban Dictionary - “A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as ‘homework sucks’ and ‘I slept until noon today’.”
How true it is. As I've often mentioned on the rv-dreams chatroom - My blog is boring! So be it. On with the day.
I got up early to have time to walk and exercise and get ready to go out for lunch at the Durham Cafe where we had breakfast last week. My sister picked me up around 11 a.m. and we met her friend, Bonnie who is arrived in Lindsay from Toronto today. Bonnie is actually a friend of mine as well as I've known her almost as long as Betty has and we traveled to Margarita Island, Venezuela one winter quite a few years ago and had a great time (except for the sand fleas). However I don't see her often since she lives in Toronto. Betty and I were early for meeting Bonnie at the restaurant at 11:30 a.m. so we stopped at White's, a department store that's off the beaten track and Betty bought a cute little jean jacket that was on sale.
After lunch we went to a few stores in the Lindsay Square Mall, then on to the next little town, Fenelon Falls where we looked around. Betty bought some sandals. Then we stopped at a nice golf course restaurant called Eganridge for something to drink, on to Bobcaygeon but we didn't stop then back to the cottage where we sat out on the dock and watched Betty's husband's grandchildren water skiing on Sturgeon Lake.
At Fenelon Falls

On the dock with the sunset in the background- l to r - Bonnie, Sandra, Betty (photo by Gordon)

Garth made roast beef for dinner and Betty did the potatoes and corn (Garth and Gordon did the corn shucking). It was delicious!
It was just an absolutely perfect day, bright sun and warm but no humidity.
Sandra, I have to disagree with you! I enjoy your blog. It's great getting different perspectives of this full-timing life. Plus, I get to "visit" Canada! Keep up the great work.