Later in the evening I joined Jenny J and Southwest Judy on the chatroom. We discovered we're all Virgos and two of us have the second name "Rose". We were joined by Denyse shortly after then Alfie and had a long conversation for about 1 1/2 hours. It's really neat to be talking to one in Spokane, one in Raleigh and one in PA all at the same time. Okay Jenny am I #1 now?
By the way for any of you RVers or Wannabees you might want to sign up for this free weekly newsletter - . There's usually a lot of good information.
This morning my sister called. She was returning from Toronto and picked me up at the RV park so that my husband could do his thing and she and I could have a visit ourselves. We sat on the dock this afternoon and enjoyed the weather. It was just beautiful on the dock with a light breeze. Gordon joined us for dinner and we sat out on the dock again and watched the sun set. It was a great day and nice to see Betty and Garth again. We last saw them in Fort Myers, FL in March.
We arrived home shortly after 9:00 p.m. tonight and then I had to get my photos in order and get my blog done before going to bed. If I'm not too tired I might drop in on the chat room!
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