This afternoon, the campground had an attraction – mud wrestling! I walked over to see what was going on and they had kids wrestling. They had made a game out of it. The referee attached a harness to each child with a tennis ball in it and the object was to get the tennis ball from your opponent. Above is one of the photos I took.
Late in the afternoon I decided to go into Morrisburg and pick up some groceries that I forgot to get yesterday so I went into a couple of stores that I didn’t go into yesterday as Gordon was with me and would have been bored. After I got the groceries, I drove to the next town west of here, Iroquois to see what had changed in the shopping mall there but didn’t go into any stores. There wasn’t much there anyway. I had driven west on Hwy #2 so on my return I took Lakeshore Drive to see what was new along the water. Not many new houses and a few for sale. I then drove through Morrisburg on Lakeshore Drive and along the street by the golf course and then back to the Upper Canada Campground.
That’s all for today! Not even much on TV tonight. Can’t wait to get satellite TV!
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