Boats at Couchiching Beach Marina

This morning I tackled the bugs on the nose of the RV again. I thought since the front was low I might be able to reach the top of the RV at the front and get that washed too but even with the washing brush on the hose, I couldn't get right to the top with any elbow grease to get it really clean. I had several suggestions on Facebook that I use a Bounce dryer sheet to clean the bugs off but I used Pfab. It does a great job. I'll try the dryer sheet another time. I did try it a few years ago in Desert Hot Springs but didn't find it did a very good job.
Dog tied up in the sun on the sidewalk in Midland, luckily it wasn't too hot out

After the RV nose washing job, I took a nice long shower - it's so nice to have full hook ups again! Then I got out my lawn chair for the first time since we've been here and sat outside and read and had my lunch.
Gordon got the new barbecue put together this afternoon and thankfully it works!
Duck takes a dive at Couchiching Beach

I had two more dreams last night that made me wake up more tired than when I went to bed so I had a nap this afternoon. I don't seem to dream as much in the daytime.
I didn't take any photos today so those featured today are some I've taken this week.
Gordon has updated his journal, to read it click here.
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