Wednesday 22 April 2009

Still Sick

Not much happened today. When I got up I felt worse like the cold has gone into my sinuses so had breakfast and went back to bed till around 1 p.m.

We had some rain, some cloud, some sun and some wind. Kind of a mixed bag of tricks today!

I did go for a short walk this afternoon to take some photos.

Quite a bit of standing water around the campground. This is the tent area.

A couple of photos of the Gatineau Hills taken from the campground.

Heavy fluffy clouds

This is the washroom/showers, reminiscent of Powderhorn where we stayed this winter.


Other than that I spent the afternoon on the couch. Being sick really sucks!


  1. Oh, Sandra, I am so sorry that the sickness still hasn't gone away.
    I do hope that you feel better tomorrow.
    Lovely pictures, as usual. Thanks.
    Happy Trails, Penny, TX

  2. Sandra we too wish you a quick recovery. You and Gordon have to stop being party animals and get some sleep at night so you can kick this cold stuff...All kidding aside I am sure a lot of that is sinus stuff from all this weather change we are all going through!!

    Joe and Sherri

  3. Please get better so you can stay with us in chat. I love those pictures. No campground is alike. thanks


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