L-64F (18C) cloudy, breezy
H-76F (24C)
H-76F (24C)
We had two new neighbours when we arrived home from Lost Maples yesterday. That meant we could sleep with the windows open and I wouldn't have the light shining in my eyes. I had a good sleep although I had more crazy dreams and I didn't even eat anything before going to bed.
I was up around 7 a.m. today since I had to make my potluck dish and have it simmer in the crockpot for the day. I did take the time to go for my walk even though it again was cloudy and a bit more breezy than it has been.
Scene from the island

After breakfast, I made my Calico Beans and got them in the crockpot then back to the computer. We got sun on and off and Gordon went out for a while to take photos.
I met our neighbour this morning, he's from Tottenham, Ontario and they've just spent the winter in Mercedes, TX. They're here till Monday and want to do some sightseeing so I told him about the Lost Maples State Natural Area.
This afternoon was spent reading, napping and having a shower to get ready for tonight's festivities.
We arrived at Jim and Ellie's around 4:30 p.m. and took our potluck stuff over to the red barn. I think someone counted 36 people. We had new people that arrived since we were there on Thursday. Speedy & Sherri, jb and Brenda, Fred and Jo, and Rollie and Gina were all new. Fred and Jo aren't staying at the park either.
Here are some of the tables at the potluck
Sherri, Speedy, Rollie, Gina

Fred, JB, Brenda, Jo

Here's the requested photo of me meeting jb.

I'm so glad you're meeting up with the dreamers. What a great time! There's sure a lot of wonderful RV'ers out there. Thanks for the great pictures, there's several we haven't met yet either.