Low-65 (18C)
High-77 (25C)
High-77 (25C)
Today started out cloudy and dreary again but warmer. It was still windy but not as bad as it was over the weekend. Not much happening at the beach except it badly needs to be cleaned. Lots of stuff has washed up on shore.
After breakfast Gordon said we needed to go to Walmart as he was out of blank DVDs and DVD sleeves so we drove in to Corpus Christi. We made some detours off the road onto the side roads that run along the bay. Our first stop was Sun Harvest which is a local 'Whole Foods' type place. I got my probiotics that I take and we picked up some gluten free stuff for Gordon. On to Walmart to get his computer stuff and I picked up a few things. It wasn't a Superwalmart though. We were home before 1 p.m. We had a bit of sun while we were out.
Great egret in our pond by the office

Yucca plant in bloom

You see this sign after you leave the welcome booth for the park - some welcome!

We had lunch and then went out exploring around the area as we had some hazy sun. We walked along some tidal flats and took several of the roads to the beach but the sand is too soft for our heavy truck so we didn't drive on the beach.
Para sailing

Other than that, I sat outside and read, spent time on the computer and had a nap. We had stew for dinner, it was yummy!
Sounds like my kind of day!! I will have to practice doing that.