Monday, 27 October 2008

Grace's 8th Birthday!

It was cold and wet this morning and 10 degrees warmer in Ottawa than it was here! Why does that always happen to us?

Anyway I had a nice walk around the park today. There is a trail that goes to Alum Creek and I walked a ways on it but didn't have my camera with me.

After breakfast we drove over to Alum Creek State Park. Here's a photo of one of the sites there. We looked at sites and we could probably get satellite at some of them but the sites don't have water and I'm spoiled so I guess we're staying here even though with exchange it's over $40/night.

After that I went to the closest SuperWalmart to get some groceries, got them put away and then it was time to get ready to go to Gordon's daughter's house. Our oldest granddaughter, Grace is 8 years old today.

Here's a photo of the birthday girl just getting home from school. Her mother, Michelle and her little brother, Luke are walking with her.

And here she is doing some homework.

This is Luke trying to lock his mother in the garage.

Luke wanted to play horsey with Grandpa.

Here are Grace and Faith with the necklaces that I made for them.

Faith is the 'icing monster'
And this is Michelle
Grace iced her cake and put her candles on it. I was standing by helping her ice it.

We're both tired out!


  1. Sandra,
    We're going to be at Alum Creek on Tuesday through Thursday, Maybe we could have lunch or just meet for coffee or tea if ya have time. Hopefully we'll have internet! We called the park and they're working on it today.

  2. Good to see you are on your way. Stay safe and isn't there something else Gordon can watch to relax... except Desperate Housewives? LOL


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