My electric blanket worked so well last night that I didn't want to get up this morning and it was nearly 9 a.m. by the time I got out of bed. I had hoped the traffic on the Appleton Side Road would be lighter then but it wasn't, probably busier in fact. I also slept longer due to the fact that I spent quite some time around 6 a.m. trying to tune in my favourite Ottawa radio station - Oldies 1310. Never could get it tuned in but I had no problem getting WABC out of New York City and WLS out of Chicago. Go figure! I also went to bed later last night as I had a chance to chat on msn with an old friend that I haven't seen in many years. I found her on Facebook but had set her up on msn so we had a nice chat catching up on her life. By the way, Laura, Judy said to say Hi to you.
It was a beautiful morning and had warmed up to 11C (52F) by the time I went out. My plan for today had been to clean but with such a lovely day and three days of rain coming up, I thought I'd postpone it for today. I did however clean the bathroom but no vacuuing.
So after that decision was made I sanded my walking stick that I bought from our neighbour at Diamond J RV Park in Tucson. It's now pretty much all nice and smooth. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to paint it or leave it as is.
I got out my lawn chair and sat in the sun for about 3 hours and read my book. I had a little visitor drop by to see me a few times. Here's a photo of her. She's a pretty little three coloured cat and very friendly.

I forgot to thanks everyone on the rv-dreams chatroom for my virtual birthday party on Tuesday night. Everyone was so thoughtful! Special thanks to Dee for setting it up.
I'm so glad you liked the party the other night. Thanks for the pictures on where you're camped. It looks so serene. Everyday is one day closer to getting up there to see you.