When I went out to walk this morning the new fence was up. Oh well! I could just jump up on the wall behind us and get into the parking lot next door but instead I walked in the park and out on the road outside the park.

After breakfast and a shower I headed out to get my hair cut. I had no idea where I was going to go. I stopped at one salon but the girl didn't come in till noon and it was only 10 a.m. and I had wet hair. I continued on and stopped at Zellers (department store) and only waited about 5 minutes. The girl who cut it said I had badly split ends so she cut it really short in the back. I haven't had it this short in years!
Then I got groceries, stopped at the bank to 'wake up' a dormant account and came home. Here I am sitting outside with my new haircut. Then both of us had a nap!

While I was gone Gordon started on the repair of the vent. He got the new handle put on but will save the motor to the fan for another day. But he did get the trap in the bathroom sink cleaned out, thank goodness. He said it was all my hair that was clogging the drain. Won't be a problem now, as I don't have all that hair!
Cute Haircut!!!! I just got mine cut too. Feels funny with out all that hair. Great blog - your neice is very cute.
Like your hair cut. I will have mine cut before the rally. I really don't like having to fix it every morning. Short is good.