After breakfast I went into Tucson. I had a strange purchase considering today was to be 85F (29C). I decided to buy a warming throw as I had seen them at Walgreens. It may be warm here but our return through the mid-west and into Ontario will be very cold for at least a month and possibly more before it starts to warm up again. I'm really not looking forward to it. I also stopped at Walmart and got some groceries.
I got back to the RV shortly after lunch and was unpacking groceries when JoAnn came to the door and told me that a 'leftover lunch' was being put together at Ellie's as they had gone into Tucson and picked up Froggi Donna and brought her back to Ellie & Jim's. Froggi Donna is a solo RVer whose blog is called 'From the Lilypad' the Lilypad being her 26 ft Class C. I have been reading Donna's blog for quite a while now so I was glad to finally meet her. There were a lot of people there as Ellie's sister and her husband and her cousin were there as well as JoAnn and Doug. Gordon still isn't up to par so I didn't stay long.
I'm afraid I didn't get very good photos today. This one is of Donna, Ellie's cousin, Berta and JoAnn with her back to the camera.

The rest of the afternoon was spent sorting out the beads that I've bought over the past few weeks and then continuing reading my book.
Sandra, tell Gordon that I hope that he gets to feeling better.
PS I love his pictures!