Even though yesterday was Christmas Day, I got a lot accomplished. I hadn't vacuumed since my unfortunate accident with my foot (except for the dustbuster) so I did a vacuum job, we changed the sheets on the bed to the new red/burgundy stripe and I made the stuffing, turnips and turkey cutlets.
I called my sister's house in Ottawa mid afternoon to be sure everyone was there and talked to everyone on speaker. Here are some photos that my niece sent from their Christmas yesterday.
My niece, Danica (who sent me the photos) and my sister, Betty.

My sister Margie and her husband, John.

My nephew and godson, Nick and his wife, Becky.

My foot has been steadily getting better over the last few days probably thanks to my husband who suggested I should keep it wrapped which I've been doing during the day taking the wrap off at night.
This morning I got the laundry done as we'll be in a Regional Park for probably two weeks that won't have any laundry facilities and this afternoon we went to the Desert Museum. We didn't walk far and mostly stayed on the paved areas but saw a lot of birds today so that's the gist of the photos for today although I do have a couple of others of cactus and plants.
I had seen Santa on a bicycle the other night but it was too dark for a photo so here he is:

My guess on this one is a female cardinal.

I think this is a pigeon of some sort.

This is a common moorhen. I don't know why they're called common. They're actually kind of pretty.

A black-necked stilt.

A parrot of some sort.

More black-necked stilts.

Another female cardinal.

A little hummingbird, not sure what kind but appeared mostly green.

A little fox happily sleeping.

Yucca plants.

A pretty little desert scene with red rocks.

An agava plant.

A deformed saguaro cactus.

That's it for today. Tomorrow we'll be leaving this lovely spot and heading for Usery Mountain Regional Park near Mesa, AZ.
TAG! You're it....check out your blog mention: http://tinyurl.com/27q8hy
ReplyDeleteNot sure, but I think your "female cardinal" is a male phrrhuloxia. See:
Judie Ashford
(a friend of Jo and Fred's)
My first thought was the same as Judie's about the cardinal vs. pyrrhuloxia. But then I went to the book and decided they are indeed cardinals due to the black color around the beak.