Aunt Ruth and I
Fields on our trip north on Hwy 416 towards Ottawa
Hwy 401 Eastbound just leaving Brockville, ON
This evergreen tree is in Aunt Ruth's parking lotIt was much colder this morning and cloudy 5C (41F). My new sneakers worked really well. I’m hoping that they might cure some of my back problems. I’ve tried on about a hundred pair over the past few months but these felt the best from the time I put them on and that’s saying something for buying shoes for me!
Today was the day we had decided to go to see my Aunt Ruth in Brockville so we headed out just before 1 p.m. By that time it had started to rain heavily and when we neared Brockville, the rain was turning to sneet. We arrived at my Aunt’s just at 2 p.m. It is always so good to see her. We had a very short visit and it started to snow very heavily just after we arrived and was getting steadily worse. So by 3 p.m. we decided to leave. It snowed till just around Kemptville on our way back and then turned back to rain. Most of the trip was 0C (32F) reaching 1C 34F when we arrived at Ottawa’s outskirts. We arrived back at the RV at about 4:15 p.m. and the furnace was running so it must have gotten below 17C (63F) in here while we were gone. We always unplug the electric heater when we’re not here.
Margie John, Danica and Romper came over tonight for a visit and other than that, just TV!
Holy crow, look at all that snow! We didn't get any of that here...thank God. It's still nice and green. :)