Thursday, 25 March 2010

Thursday March 25, 2010-More Running Around

I was up before 7 a.m. today. I'm sure glad I don't have to do that often. I didn't sleep well again last night. This is unusual for me since I quit working. I have so many things on my mind about the house that it is keeping me awake.

I had a comment about my photo of the house with the SOLD sign on it. It is the same house. My photo was taken from the back rather than the front. The street runs along the back of the house and the front only has a sidewalk. You can see it in the photo Gordon took by clicking here.

The reason I was up early was that Gordon had a doctor's appointment this morning. We arrived early as usual, then went about running some errands.

When we got home I was exhausted so lay down for a nap. There wasn't much accomplished around here this afternoon.

Tonight we went out and purchased the buffet that I wrote about a couple of days ago pictured here. It's a good match for our table that we bought this week and should fit in the little alcove in the dining room very well. So far I'm pleased with my 'previously loved' findings.


  1. Tis good to see that things are moving well. Enjoy the chase of getting it all together.
    Glenn & Sylvia

  2. Yes, the sudden appearance of a garage mystified me, too. Now, we know why. I looked at all Gordon's pictures of the house, trying to imagine it with the new furniture. It is going to be so cute.
    Happy Shopping, Penny, TX


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