Silver Falls in fog

This is the view across the road from the park that I've featured numerous times, this time in fog. It's kind of like the Superstition Mountains were to me in Mesa. I never get tired of looking at it.

My day was spent reading, on the computer, cleaning and doing laundry. Tomorrow we will hopefully be heading south and east on our way to the Georgian Bay area. We don't have a park to stay at yet. The one I emailed doesn't have room on the weekend and we like to get weekly rates when possible. We'll probably stay somewhere about half way to Georgian Bay tomorrow night. Maybe we'll find that former KOA at Spragge, ON that we were going to stay at on the way here. Who knows?
I didn't take any photos today so the ones featured are from yesterday's trip to Potholes Provincial Park and from our foggy evening drive the night before.
The gorge at Potholes Provincial Park

I know what you mean about the Superstitions .... I never get tired of looking at them either. This photo would fit that category as well.