There's a gravel road than runs along the campground (Richard Lake Road) that has no traffic so after I had walked around the RV park a bit to get my bearing as to where the restroom and showers were I took off down that road. It's nice to be somewhere that you don't have to look out for traffic.
A couple of photos of the beach here at the park

After lunch we proceeded into Sudbury and found a Food Basics, one of my favourite grocery stores and the mall which had a bank, Dollarama (another favourite store) and Walmart. Unfortunately it's not a Superwalmart but they did have groceries. I managed to stock up on stuff I couldn't get in Wawa. We didn't get to see much in the way of interesting stuff this afternoon.
Sudbury is not an easy city to get around in. Nor are the streets in good shape. I felt like we were back in Louisiana with the condition of the roads.
Gordon got a messy job out of the way today. Every so often the bathroom sink trap has to be taken apart because it gets clogged by hair, mostly mine I'm sure however it's now done and working well. I also put a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and boiling water down to clean it out as well.
I think Stompin Tom Connors has a song about Sudbury called, A Sudbury Saturday Night. I've been through Sudbury 5 or 6 times over the years & it was always raining so my impression of Sudbury isn't the best:((