Low-52F (11C)
High-81F (27C)
High-81F (27C)
Today was a relaxing day. We've been on the road quite a bit since we've been here and we were both tired.
It was a bit cooler this morning and I enjoyed my walk around the park. After breakfast I did some vacuuming. When you're traipsing around ponds and things you drag in all kinds of dirt. I leave the broom outside to sweep off our shoes but it doesn't always happen, it seems. I also chatted with Dee on Yahoo Messenger for a while.
After my shower I sat outside by the fishing pond to let my hair dry a bit until it started to get too warm and I came inside to air conditioned comfort. Ah, the life of a fulltimer RVer!
Mid afternoon I decided it would be a good night to go out for dinner. I wanted to have Crawfish Etouffe again and when we were in St. Martinville the other day, the lady at the Tourist Information had recommended Possum's. So away we went on a 30 mile or so drive for dinner. My Etouffe was very good although more expensive than I thought it should have been. Anyway, my craving is now satisfied.
Here's Possum's (and yes, they did have possum on the menu)!

Oh, my gosh, Sandra! We went to Possum's too! We were in Abbeville, LA back in early February and went to Possum's after our swamp tour at Lake Martin.