The pharmacist called this morning and said that he can't get the new medication here. The doctor had suggested that we go with the original antifungal called Difluan rather than the generic. It costs twice as much as the generic but since they can't get that large a quantity here we're sticking with the generic so I went and picked that up today and did some other errands which included sending the receipts for the prescription in to the insurance. I have to pay it up front and get reimbursed. They didn't have enough of the prescription so I have to go back on Tuesday to get the rest.
I picked up a few items on my list however I did forget to buy a lottery ticket. I was going to get a 'Cash for Life' ticket. If you win they usually pay you $1000/wk for life however it's doubled right now so it's $2000/wk for life. I can dream can't I? Someone has to win it and it's for sure you won't win if you don't buy a ticket. That would be so great!
I also stopped to see my sister and her husband and pick up the mail. Her holidays are winding down. She goes back to work on Tuesday. It's nice to drop by during the day and she's at home. When I was working she was at home and now we have role reversal. While I was there, my niece, Danica came home so got to see her as well.
I arrived back at the RV park around 4 p.m. having left at around 10:30 a.m.
We were supposed to get rain and thunderstorms today however this afternoon it turned sunny but hot and humid although the thermometer is only registering 26C (79F).
This weekend is a long weekend here in Ontario. It's called a Civic holiday so all the working folks get Monday off. Just another day for us!
I don't have a photo today so I'm posting the Cicada that the campground manager brought to me yesterday to see if I knew what it was. Thanks to Dee of Tumbleweed for identifying it for me. I also put it on Bugguide.net and have had a couple of people identify it there as well.
A reader asked me if we use gas or diesel as he thought the price we paid for it yesterday was too low for diesel and too high for gas. It is diesel and the station, Foster Motors is at Merivale and Cleopatra in Nepean.
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