Gordon was standing outside talking to our neighbour who just did the written test for the Class A license. He failed the first one and tried it again. Apparently the tests aren't the same every time you go so he passed that one and his appointment for his driver's test is July 18th. He said the questions were all related to commercial rather than RVing. There is word going around that a new license is coming out in the Fall, should we wait?
The bugs were coming out so we came back inside and decided to go to bed. I read for a while and noticed the power came on around 10:30 p.m. or so as I had turned my fan on that's beside my bed so I'd know. The TV also came back on and there was this ghostly blue light shining all over the RV so I came out and turned that off.
It rained over night and was still cloudy this morning as I went for my walk and run. I did my usual blog reading while having breakfast then got ready to meet a friend that I haven't seen in about 17 years for lunch. I left early and picked up a few things at Westgate Mall before meeting Marilyn at Monkey Joe's for lunch. Monkey Joe's has been around for years. Gordon and I used to go there for breakfast occasionally but I haven't been there in a very long time.
Marilyn arrived right on time and we got seated in their outdoor patio which turned out to be pretty noisy. We got caught up on the 17 missing years and left the restaurant at about 3:15 p.m.

We had a great visit and now that we have email addresses for each other, we'll be able to keep in touch.
On the way home, I stopped at my sister's and picked up our mail. This was the traffic on Prince of Wales as I was coming back to the RV Park at about 3:45 p.m.
Your traffic looks like our traffic. Creeping along is the nature around here. I'm so glad you saw an old friend, sure helps the spirits. Good luck on the license. I'd take a chance and wait, but that's just me.