The 'paved pathway' (photo below) across the road from the RV park that leads you to a city park is actually like a sidewalk that runs along the highway. It is not a nice walk nor is it a pretty walk so before I had gone too far I turned around and instead walked around the park and looked at license plates and RVs. I didn't manage to walk the whole 30 minutes so when I came in I changed the bed as I hadn't washed the sheets this week when I did the laundry.

Our site among the others.

I saw this little robin when I was out walking.

After breakfast we went to Walmart and I picked up some things to make a salad as since Gordon isn't eating meat these days we thought a salad would be good for him. Gordon went along and got some washers that he had been wanting for some of our ground pegs.
When I got back I washed the sheets and then returned to the RV to finish my book. When that was finished I got another Sandra Brown book called 'French Silk' and also one by Tess Gerritsen called 'Vanish' from the campground library.
Other than doing computer jigsaw puzzles, reading and surfing, that is about it for my day. Gordon went out and got the truck filled up with diesel. Diesel across the street from the park is 4.19 and 4.29 per gallon so he went to the truck stop at the other end of Deming and got it for 3.87.
Tomorrow we'll be going to Albuquerque and we're hoping to stay there only one night. We stayed at Hidden Valley Resort in Tijeras on our way west. It's at 6680 feet and where I had a hard time walking as I couldn't breathe because of the altitude but it's cheap (Passport America park) and convenient and I think they have wifi in the library so we probably won't set up the internet for just one night. We're hoping to head to Amarillo on Monday and stay at least one and maybe two nights as we have to get the truck serviced.
We didn't hook up our thermometer but I would say it was around 70F (21C) today and fairly windy. The wind affects my allergies which affect my eyes so they're runny and blurry today which gives me a bit of a headache. I'm ready to move on!
4.29 for diesel!!! Oh at this rate I will never leave my spot here in Texas. I guess when we get the new trailer it will just set here! Diesel will be at 6.00 when I get to leave out. Glad to see all is well. Keep it between the ditches.