I then decided to walk on a residential street across Prince of Wales Dr. since there was no traffic being Sunday morning. The houses on one side back on the river and they are very, very nice homes. There are a lot of old trees there and I saw a couple of cardinals flying around. Here's what the street looks like. Still quite a bit of snow there, probably because it's so shady with all the trees.

After breakfast I started to finish up getting the paperwork done for Gordon's medical claim and he completed the form for submission to the travel medical insurance company and well as an abbreviated synopsis. What a job! Paperwork galore and I still have to photocopy all of it, just in case!
I also got the paperwork from the hospital together for Gordon's doctor's visit tomorrow and he prepared a longer synopsis of what occurred for the doctor as well and we got that printed out.
While I was at it I decided I'd better enter our April expenses into my spreadsheet. Some of my receipts will be going with Gordon's claim so now was the time to get it done. I take all the receipts and check my Visa statement marking each receipt with the Canadian $ amount, then transfer that amount to my spreadsheet so it takes FOREVER! It will be much simpler now that we're home and everything is in Canadian dollars.
After that was completed, I took some time to sit outside in my chair since it was 23C (74F). We've had a mix of sun and cloud today but it's been a very nice day. I did a bit of a walk around the park.
Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, I had picked up ingredients to make my Tattie Stew as my Scottish girlfriend used to call it so I made the stew. It's wasn't for tonight. I like to let it sit for a day or so before eating it. It's much better then. However, it was ready just at dinner time so I decided we'd eat it tonight and it was delicious!
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