December 07 Expenses and End of Year Totals

I'm not altogether happy with the December total but it's not a lot different than it was last winter in Texas. I'm still unhappy about the high charge for electric at the campground in Tucson but you will see below that has been resolved for the future. We bought new lawn chairs and a new external hard drive which ate up a fair chunk of change and I've been taking some natural remedies for things that ail me which also aren't cheap but they work!
Our yearly total was one that came as a shock. We'll have to find a way to pare that down. Fuel is a costly item especially when we're going cross country in the Fall on our way to warmer climates and in the Spring when we have to hustle to get home. Food is also a biggie - will have to work on that one. We don't eat out a lot so that might be the difference.
Now on to the day's happenings which weren't very interesting.
I walked again this morning with only some mild aching in the arch of my foot. It was a nice morning at about 55F (13C). The radio said it was cloudy but when I went out it was sunny so here are a few photos that I took.
A view of our RV as I was coming back from my walk.

When I got back, I had an email from JoAnn. She and Doug arrived safely yesterday at Justin's Diamond J RV Park west of Tucson and emailed me to let me know that they are no longer charging for electricity! Bonus! I wonder if I had anything to do with that?
I decided to go and find the Walmart on McKellips as I needed a few things. Stores aren't all that easy to find here because they don't have the big high signs so I drove past it and then found it when I turned around and came back. I knew it was somewhere near Higley but that was all I remembered. After that I dropped by a craft store on Apache Trail to see what sort of beads they had since we won't be going to Quartzsite. They didn't have much that was interesting but I was able to get some emerald green beads, usually they're a light lime colour.
It was a beautiful day today even though it was partly cloudy. The temperature reached 72F (22C). I even wore my sandals when I went out shopping. When I came back I sat out for a while in my new chair and read and listened to the birds singing.
These doves kept me company this afternoon when I was sitting outside.

The evening was spent watching one of the Bridget Jones movies and in the rv-dreams chatroom.
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