I did manage a brief walk this morning and actually walked a bit on one of the trails behind the RV. I was pretty stiff from my walk yesterday so did another couch potato imitation today. I did manage to make my Hamburger Stew only this time I put in half ground turkey.
The weather here is turning. Except for one day we've had temperatures during the day in the high 70s and 80s. However, they're expecting rain on Monday and temperatures will start to turn cooler so it's a good time to leave.

The plan is to make Albuquerque tomorrow for a couple of night's stay at Hidden Valley Ranch RV Resort just east of Albuquerque at Tijeras, NM. However, as you all know, plans change but right now that's what we planning. I haven't made reservations nor will I until we're on the
road and within an hour or two of our destination. There's another park we stayed at last time which is west of town however this time we're heading south from Albuquerque as we want to spend a few days at Caballo Lake. We were told about this RV park by someone staying at Double M RV Resort in Lindsay, ON last year and we wanted to check it out.
There is a National Wildlife Refuge called Bosque del Apache near there where the sandhill cranes come on their migration this week and Gordon would like to be there, camera in hand. Other photographer friends, Gayle and Breland whom we met in Louisiana last year are there.
So that's our ideas for the next few days.
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