I told him to go ahead. So after he got me set up in my chair with my massage cushion, away he went. He did ask several times if I was sure I didn't want him to stay and take me to a chiropractor. Psychological? Sure hope that's all it is.
I took a muscle relaxant and retired to the couch where I've been all day.
Gordon made it home around 12:30 p.m. He made it close enough to the Lighthouse to get a photo. Since I haven't been off the couch all day, I had to borrow one of his photos for my blog.
Sure hope I'm better tomorrow.
Sandra, I sure hope your back is better tomorrow! Rest well. Thanks to Gordon for sharing a picture with us!
So of course you go visit amarillo once I've moved out of the damn town.
Here's a suggestion: Go eat at Buffalo Grass. Get the blackened tilapia sandwich. They have a chipotle tartar sauce on it that is to die for. You get there by heading east on I-40. Take the Lakeside exit & turn left under the bridge. Then exit at Hwy 60 and drive until you get to the town of Panhandle. When you get to Panhandle, stop and ask someone directions because all I can tell you now is to turn left at the blinky light on hwy 60 that's right after the gas station and go under the old bridge, then when you get to the 4 way intersection,it's the old hardware store on the corner.
These are actually very accurate directions, but I realize that since you're unfamiliar with the town they sound very vague. anyway - this restaurant is about 50 miles away from where you are in Canyon.
If you don't want to go that far - then just go to Fieldman's over there in Canyon. It's awesome. Ethan loved the trains in there.
oh. and if you need a chiropracter, call Dr. Whitehead. He's a family friend