I thought it was going to rain all day today but only started about 1:30 p.m. I did my usual walk this morning and picked up my first mail here on my way back, a Christmas card from my sister, Betty and her husband, Garth.
This morning and into early afternoon I worked on making a few bracelets shown below. I took apart a few of the ones I already had to reuse the beads as they were either a little too big or I didn't like the color combinations. Reuse, recycle!

After lunch I decided I needed some photos for my blog and it hadn't started to rain yet so Gordon went with me and we did about 1/2 walk in the desert so here are some photos. On the way back we felt a drop or two of rain but it didn't start raining a lot until we were back.

See the mountain peeking over the desert flora in the background. It looks like a pyramid.

These mountains are barely visible in the clouds.

Here are our lawnchairs. Photo taken from just outside the front door of our RV.

This is a different cactus. We've seen it before and I always call it Rope Cactus but I don't know if that's the real name.

Another pretty cholla in the foreground with the mountains barely visible in the background.

A couple more cholla trees.

On the way back I noticed Doc (the owner) was in the office so went to pay him for the month. We are officially here now until December 27th. Who knows where we'll be after that!
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