I got up at 7:00 a.m. today as it was to be another hot, humid day. It was 23C (73F)and a hazy sun with a nice breeze this morning so I had a nicer walk than expected.
After breakfast and my usual morning routine I sat outside and read, had lunch outside and came in around 2:30 p.m. after about four hours. It was humid but nice sitting under the tree in the breeze. I walked around the campground and took some photos down by the water as you will see below. I talked with a lady who was sitting outside as well. She and her husband are here for a couple of days having come from Mont Tremblant and are on their way back to their home north of Toronto. As I was sitting outside a Class C RV came in and parked next to us. It’s a rental and the people are from Germany. They are only staying one night and then moving in to Ottawa. I think people don’t realize how close we are to Ottawa here. The people that occupied the same spot and left this morning were going in to Ottawa and camping at Poplar Grove which is probably as far south of Ottawa as we are west. They are here for the Canada Day celebrations as are the people from Germany. Hope it’s a nice day for them!
This pretty little blue dragonfly landed right in front of me on the dock
and posed for a picture.
Pretty view of the Mississippi
There are all kinds of little frogs down by the water. This one sat still
and let me take his picture.
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