When I got up this morning it was already 10C (50F), warmer than it had gotten all day yesterday but there was still some misty rain falling so I only walked to the dumpster with the garbage and back again.
The sun came out around 10:00 a.m. so Gordon went out and took some photos but the sun only shone briefly so he was back quickly. I sat around and read and looked at the Sears catalogues that I had gotten with my mail.
My sister had mentioned that she and her husband might drive from
One thing we’ve found with our rental – a Dodge Dakota truck – V8 is we get much better fuel mileage (when we’re not towing) with our 1 ton diesel than with the V8. You can almost see the gas gauge moving in the Dakota. We get our own truck back tomorrow. YEAH! Even though I don’t like driving our truck around the city all that much, I like it better than the rental!
Late this afternoon we took a walk around the park hoping to see the peacocks but all we saw were a couple of muscovy ducks, a mallard and a beige duck, probably a female of some species.
Welcome back to Canada! I hope you've brought spring back with you.