Today we decided to get out a bit as we'd been mostly in the RV for the last three days. There are a couple of other RV parks in the area in case we want to come back so we first stopped at Oro Family Campground which is just a ways from here towards Barrie. Unfortunately there are too many trees there.
From there we went into Orillia and went to Hammock Harbour RV park. There we found quite a few sites that would work for us however they only have electric and water and no monthly rate so we'd have to go on their weekly rate of $171.42 plus about $15 for each pump out. Their laundry had only one washer and one dryer (although close to Orillia so I'm sure there's a laundromat around) and the showers were old and not very enticing but it's a possibility. It's right on the water and some of the seasonal sites even have an inland waterway for their boats, quite neat!
Hammock Harbour on Lake Couchiching

It's also close to Casino Rama. So we drove over there to have a look at the outside. Very impressive building! It is a First Nation owned casino. We didn't go inside so no temptations!

A nice clean looking barn

Donald and I visited CasinoRama last September and saw the Chinese Circus. It was great. Wonderful shows there for good prices. It was really neat to walk around their lobby and other areas - we are not gamblers.