I had changed the bed yesterday so separated the clothes, Gordon put them in the truck and I was off to the laundromat. Surprisingly for a Monday morning, there weren't many people there so the laundry went quite quickly.
Then off to Walmart to part with some of my money. I'm stocking up for our trip to the great white north as there aren't many towns let alone grocery stores where we're going.
Back to the RV to put everything away, read a bit, had a brief nap, then vacuumed the place. I had washed all the rugs so now they have a clean floor to lay on!
Last night on Facebook I was chatting with a lady that I used to work with at State Farm. I haven't seen her since 1994 so we're getting together for an early dinner on Wednesday night. We used to do ceramics together, we took a picture framing course, mind you we didn't make a lot of the classes since we'd either go out for dinner or have dinner at my place and dinner turned in to drinking voracious quantities of wine. Those were the days and probably what contributed to my reflux disease! Oh well, it was fun at the time.
Today's photo was taken by Gordon recently of one of the cows in the area. She's either licking her nose or flirting with my husband!
Who ??? Who are you having dinner with ??
BTW the other day, I actually had to explain "no tickee, no washee" to someone...It took awhile!!