Pyro came to visit a couple of times today.

Late this morning I went in to Port Lavaca to get groceries and look around. I also stopped at a doctor's office and was told if we come in tomorrow morning we could get flu shots - $25 each. On the way in I went to the post office, then stopped at McDonalds for lunch. They no longer have Asian salads so I got a southwest salad I picked up some stuff at Ace Hardware that I've been looking for, stopped at Payless and Bealls but didn't see anything I couldn't live without. I went to HEB and got some groceries, then on to Walmart for more stuff. I also got a new pair of sneakers at Walmart as my old ones are starting to hurt my back. I can always tell when the heels are worn out by how my back feels. Hope the Dr. Scholls that I got work ok.
When I got back Gordon wanted to go for a drive over by the marshes and in to Indianola for sunset so we piled in the truck. Here are a couple of photos.

I also made a pizza for Gordon for his dinner and since I had eaten out for lunch I had a sandwich, some avocado, celery and grapes.

Gordon...you lucky man you!!! What a good looking pizza! Hey the photos are great. Can't wait to see some of those sun set and rises in live mode... LOL Sherri is out of town until Thursday evening so I am going it alone again. I hope to make chat tonight see you there \