Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Errands and Appointments in Ottawa

It's soooo hard getting out of bed on these cold mornings. No walk this morning as we were getting ready to go in to Ottawa. I didn't even do exercises since we had a chiropractor's appointment at noon. Both of us had dental appointments at 2 p.m., mine at my periodontist and Gordon at the dentist. They're both in the same building so we make them for the same time.

We left just after 10:30 a.m. and had to stop to pay for a new hard drive that Gordon purchased from his friend, Leroy (where I bought my computer last August). The hard drive we bought in June quit on us and it's not something that Gordon will return even if it is under warranty due to all the stuff that's on it.

This tree has changed its colour quite a bit since last time I took a photo of it. To see my last photo, click here.

After that, we went to our chiropractor's appointment. My chiropractor told me that after my adjustment today I have the body of a 29 year old and I even look like a 29 year old! Ha! Ha!

We went to Carlingwood Mall and had lunch at the Carlingwood Restaurant. Actually we both had breakfast, then on to Bulk Barn to buy a few things. We arrived at our dental appointments early and my hygenist actually took me early today for my cleaning.

We had to stop to pick up some corn wraps (tortillas) for Gordon on the way back. There's only one store that carries them now. Sure hope they keep stocking them! Then back to Carleton Place. I decided to go for my walk when I got back as it was so beautiful, a sunny 22C (72F) this afternoon.

When I got back I finished my Debbie MacComber book. Looks like I'll have to do a library run soon!

Photos today were taken on our way back from Ottawa and on my walk.


  1. I did tell you that Sherri and I were in Ottawa last weekedn. We met Mac and Netters there...sorry we missed you. LOL Kansas...Oh well I thought it was funny. 20 year old body HUH...Gordon you lucky devil you!!! LOL

    Joe and Sherri

  2. Are there any mexican stores in town? They may carry corn tortillas if there is one there.


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