Monday, 25 August 2008

Drive Around Rice Lake

Betty picked me up this morning just after 10 a.m. to start our drive around Rice Lake. Rice Lake's claim to fame is that the song 'What A Friend We Have in Jesus' was written near there. All in all we covered 18 little towns today which tops our day covering little towns to the west and north of us last year. I think the towns west and north are prettier than those we saw today for the most part but it was an interesting day and we went places that I hadn't been to before.

I didn't take that many photos today. Even though we went around the lake there weren't that many views of it.

This is Betty in front of the gardens at the Elmhirst Resort where we stopped to have a drink.

Pretty view in the village of Trent River

We were gone till nearly 5 p.m. Garth went to Toronto today so I invited Betty to stay for dinner after which we solved the Conde Nast Where Are You Contest for August (we hope) and then tried to find Betty and Garth a condo to rent in Fort Lauderdale for the months of February and March 2009.

We had fun though!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the most simplest things are the most fun...I guess that is why I have so much fun...being so simple like I am...



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