So after breakfast and such, I set out for a walk. I noticed this Hi Lo trailer in the low position.

I wound up walking in the desert where there are no scheduled paths. Don't plan to do this unless you have on sturdy shoes. As you can see from the photos below, teddy bear cholla look cute and soft but they aren't and they stick like glue. Luckily I had my gloves on as I tried taking these out by just pulling them, then they stuck to my gloves. You have to pull right at the root to get them out. Nasty little things!
Stuck to my shoe

Gordon browned half of the roast that I bought yesterday at Bashas. The other half I froze. Tomorrow I'll put it in the crockpot with some vegetables. Gordon's still eating soft foods today because of his tooth extraction.
I also managed to get the place vacuumed and a little cleaning done, although when I was vacuuming I stepped on the vacuum hose and twisted my foot again. It's not nearly as bad as last time though. Hopefully it won't set me back!
I wandered around outside this afternoon trying to get close enough to one of our hummingbirds to get a good photo. With my camera you have to get really, really close. Even with cropping the photo, they still look far away!
Here he is, isn't he cute!

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