I was up at 6:15 a.m. today and it was 31F! Gordon had turned the water off overnight and was gone to take sunrise photos.
We had an appointment in Aransas Pass at the local Dodge dealer for our regular truck service. This is about the first time that we reached the three months before we reached the required mileage. We were back around 11:00 a.m. taking the scenic route and saw three sandhill cranes but we didn’t stop as Gordon didn’t have his camera.
After lunch, a nap and my walk that pretty much ate up the afternoon. It was 50F (10C) at the high point today but very bright and sunny all day.
Late this afternoon we headed over to FM1069 (Farm Market 1069) which is the road where we see the sandhill cranes. We took this route back from Aransas Pass this morning. We saw lots of cranes both on 1069 and 188 on our way to Bayside where we DIDN’T see any roseate spoonbills. All the birds are still hiding from the cold.
When I say the pavement ends on Lone Star Road, it really ends!
Sandhill cranes
Sandhill cranes in flight
Gordon's sister, Carol (left) sent this photo today. Beside Carol is Gordon's daughter, Michelle and in the background his son, Ian and Ian's daugher, Lilly
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