During the time there while Gordon was rockclimbing, I managed to call my younger sister, Margie as I hadn’t talked to her for quite a while. We had a nice chat and I managed to get a few photos of the rocks as well as these little quail that were running around the park.

They have some very nice RV sites there, the boondocking sites being right up in the rocks and the 50 -amp electric & water sites down by the Visitor Center. There are some very long pull thru sites, hmmm might have to go back there sometime.

We drove through Deming on the way back to the RV and found it to be a very clean little town with the usual SuperWalMart, a Kmart and all kinds of hotels. Wonder what’s here that necessitates all those hotels. There are also numerous RV parks as I understand that Deming is a destination for snowbirds.
On the advice of one of my chat friends, Jack Mayer we are staying at the SKP park here in Deming. The price is good and it’s easy on, easy off I-10 for our early departure tomorrow.
Since we’re only overnighting we didn’t hook up any satellites so we’re borrowing a local wifi network. Since we had to go out to find it, I won’t be on chat tonight, folks!~
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