Friday, 7 September 2007

An Uneventful Day

Today was a non event. I sat outside and read. It was really warm today again 33C (91F) and very humid but with a pretty strong wind. Betty had wanted me to go to the cottage this afternoon but I woke up groggy and felt like staying home so I called her to let her know.

This afternoon I proceeded to color my hair. I've been putting it off for the last few days as I haven't felt up to doing it. It was either do it myself or go into town and have someone else do it. Which was more trouble? I decided to do it myself so it looks much better now.

After that, I drove into town anyway to pick up some items. It turned cloudy and windier on my way home and looked like we might have a storm. When I got home, Gordon had put the awning up because of the wind.

I unpacked the groceries and other things I purchased and sat down and read Froggi Donna's whole blog. She's a really good writer! Here's the link to her blog -

That's it for today, nothing to photograph again!

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