It rained quite hard during the night but was fairly mild and the rain had stopped when I went for my walk around 8:00 a.m. 12C (53F).
We decided that today was the day that we would go to Plattsburgh to get my cell phone replaced so we headed out around 10:30 a.m. We had a bit of rain on the way. We got to the border – long lineups and of course, we got in the wrong lane so we waited 50 minutes in line to get through. The customs agent was a good ole boy that was very chatty but we had no problems and arrived in
We were both hungry so went to the mall to see if they had a Taco Bell. That way Gordon can have Taco Bell and while I like it, I’m not doing well with cheese these days and most things there have cheese in them. Indeed there was a Taco Bell so he was able to satisfy that craving and I got a salad at Burger King. There was still cheese in it though.
There was a Verizon kiosk in the Mall right beside the food court so we stopped there but were unable to get the phone we wanted. They had one but it wasn’t on their inventory so they couldn’t sell it??????? She had already started the application as we have to sign up for another two years or else pay full price for the phone. So we took the application with us and went to the local store. I got my new cell phone but still had to pay $107.00. I did get a leather case this time. Hopefully that will cushion its falls. There is a $30.00 mail in rebate that I’ll have to send in. If I could have waited till November 27th, I would have gotten a free phone but my luck isn’t going that way, I guess. Now I have to reprogram it will all my phone numbers.
After that we picked up a few items at the grocery store. Gordon had run out of grits and you can’t buy the instant kind in
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